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Let me begin by this great reminder from His Word where our school, the HarrellHorne Integrated School emanates our existence for the past 27 years. “Do not be wise in your own eyes. Fear the Lord and depart from evil. It will bring health to your flesh and strength to your bone.” You have proven this Pandemic that theLord is in control of everything! The one school year have completed having your classes at home, using your gadget having all the time in your hand proves that you are indeed an overcomer, flexible and adaptable in any given situations indeed a true blooded Harrellians that’s what you are!

My dear graduates, life is not at all a bed of roses. The journey to life is not alwaysa smooth sailing. The journey to life is not having the “YOLO” as it was a popular line of mostly the millennials! It is not the utopian principle that “only happiness because the life we have on earth is not the life we need to pursue in heaven.”We should bear in mind that we only die once and there is always an eternal torment and eternal heaven. You are about to face another challenge to hurdle, the next level in your education, it could be the college or the high school whichstill you will be stucked at home in front of your computer or laptop, it’s now the “new normal”. With your parents who are always the “wind beneath your wings”they are your guide. They are the source of your strength next to God.

As Harrelians, the lofty ideal of the school that God is the only source of our strength and refuge. He is the source of everything. Let us always remember our experiences in this Pandemic time that nothing is permanent. That no one can boast of tomorrow and his future, only God. You may have all the best plans for your life but remember the journey is not smooth as always. Learn to be wise in everything you do. Always trust in the Lord and lean not on your own understanding in all your ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct your paths.

Dear Harrellians, always pursue the wisdom that comes from the Lord not from the World, when it enters your heart all your disposition in life will be according to his best plan. Discretion will preserve your understanding and will keep you todeliver you from the way of evil. Indeed your life is fashioned for God’s glory andnot for our own self alone. Congratulations and may all you dreams come true!


School Director